Department Of Agribusiness And Bioresource Economics | FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE
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Department of Agribusiness and Bioresource Economics

This department established in 1999 was initially under the Faculty of Economics and Marketing. We focuses its activities on increasing production by focusing on agricultural activities towards production-oriented and commercial-oriented marketing through promoting production techniques, efficient farming system practices and commercialization of agricultural activities. In addition, the need for a comprehensive and structured information system integration that is critical to the development, competitiveness and productivity of the agricultural sector, especially in the direction of globalization. Complete information and data such as production, prices, imports, exports and stocks are needed for the purpose of building point numbers, analyzing, formulating policies, making plans and decisions. Our goal is to become a center of excellence to develop business knowledge related to the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products through teaching, research and professional services.

Updated:: 12/10/2017 [hma]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 4802
+603-9769 4004